Just added a lot of links to our weblinksHave a look at:
http://www.handykam.com/Web-links/Wildlife, nest box, charities, conservation links and more...
Birdcare Standards Association - http://www.birdcare.org.uk/homepage.htm
National Federation of Badger Groups - http://www.badger.org.uk/
Natural History Museum - http://www.nhm.ac.uk/index.html
Landlife Wildflowers - http://www.wildflower.org.uk/index.html
Butterfly Conservation - http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/
Wildlife Trusts - http://www.wildlifetrusts.org/
British Hedgehog Preservation Society - http://www.britishhedgehogs.org.uk/
Highland Red Squirrel project - http://www.highlandredsquirrel.co.uk/index.html
British Dragonfly Society - http://www.dragonflysoc.org.uk/
The Invertebrate Conservation Trust - http://www.buglife.org.uk/
International Bee Research Association - http://www.ibra.org.uk/
Froglife - http://www.froglife.org/
The Bat Conservation Trust - http://www.bats.org.uk/
The Mammal Society - http://www.abdn.ac.uk/mammal/
British Arachnological Society - http://www.britishspiders.org.uk/index.html
Directory of UK birding - http://www.birding.uk.com/
Spikes Sanctuary Hedgehog Rescue Peebles - http://www.spikessanctuary.co.uk/
World Wildlife Fund - http://www.panda.org/
More to come.
Keywords used:
Web links, URLs