Springwatch website http://www.bbc.co.uk/springwatch/
Its June, its BBC springwatch time. Every year, for three week Bill Oddie, Kate Humble, Simon King and venture to a stunning location to see the classic sign of a Great British Spring. This year, they are at Pensthorpe in Norfolk, with cameras in blue tit boxes, blackbird, coal tit and a lot more. The daily live programmes are fascinating as they jump between live footage showing what nature does best.
The Springwatch website 2008 has a lot to offer. Like the programme, it is rich in interactive and live content. It is a must see for any nest camera fan. It is a great place to learn and interact with others around the country.
Must see on this website
Have a good look at the ‘behind the scenes of Springwatch’. You will see the technology and techniques for getting wonderful shots of wildlife.
At Handykam.com
We sell bird nest box camera kits and software that will allow you watch, monitor and enjoy your birds. Have your very own Springwatch too.