Making a bird box or nest box can be great fun. We should know as we make many thousands every year sending them to all corners of the globe from our unit in Cornwall.
The biggest consideration when making a bird box is deciding what birds you would like to use the box. Most of our domestic songbirds are happy in a box around 15cm-20cm cubed made out of 15cm-19cm of good wood. Birds will certainly nest in most boxes made out of many materials, but a well built box will ensure a new family to use it for many years to come.
First start with a single plank around 150mm x 1170mm. Mark the base, sides, front and roof out off it like the diagram provided. See diagram above.
Fit the box together with nails and screws so they are secure. Also include a couple of holes in the base to allow for drainage and don't include a perch for predators. Include a hinged lid if you want to inspect the camera easily.

Don't forget your bird box camera
Add that little something extra by including a
bird box camera. These can be easily fitted by drilling a 5mm hole into the side of the box and fitting one of our
wired or
wireless cameras to it. The camera are plug in and play, allowing you to monitor and enjoy your birds too. You can also fit windows to your box to allow light into the box, not enough to disturb the birds, but enough for the cameras to see in colour. Perfect....
Go for it, make a bird box today
Making bird boxes are great fun especially with all the family. They are often one of the best, small wooden projects to do as they don't cost a lot and take no time at all. However, you can always buy a complete
camera bird box if you pushed for time or it is late in the nesting season. Perfect for you birds and you too.
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bird boxes,
nest boxes and
camera bird boxes
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Keywords to help search
Making bird boxes, making bird houses, making bird homes, making nest boxes, building bird houses, building bird homes, building nest boxes, build camera bird box, build camera nest box