- Enjoy harvesting wild fruit like apples and blackberries
- Enjoy winter arrivals of birds as well as groups of birds swarming to leave
- Help stock up your feeders for the newborn birds that have come along. Don’t forget your bird feeder camera where you can get up an close to them.
- Start to look for signs of Autumn ie leaves changing
- Put a hedgehog box in your garden for hibernating hedgehogs. Don’t forget your hedgehog camera to see them come and go.
- Put up owl boxes to help roosting owls. Don’t forget your owl camera. They are one of the most amazing things to watch and worth every penny.
- Go beachcombing or rockpooling. With the lower tides and the bigger winter swells arriving, the coastline is a wonderful place to explore for various treasures.
More wildlife cameras and wildlife articles at handykam.com
Photo copyright - Thanks and check out Vlado's photos on Flickr
Keywords to help search
September, signs of autumn, harvest, hibernating